Saturday, November 13, 2021

How To Make A Candy Cane Christmas Countdown Calendar

Counting down the number of days until Christmas is something every kid does so they know exactly how many days are left until the big day! With the month of December just around the corner, now is the time to start getting ready for Christmas because it will be here before you know it. 

When my kids were little they used to make the traditional construction paper chain to count down the days until Christmas. Each day they would tear off a paper link from their chain and count how many more days until December 25. I loved it because instead of asking me over, and over and over how many days until Christmas they could visually see and actually count all on their own. 

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Recently my oldest son commented that he felt too old to make a paper chain countdown calendar and wanted to make something else that included a daily treat. This kid loves treats! To solve this problem I came up with this candy cane Christmas countdown calendar that I think you and your family will like just as much as ours does. 

This is a super easy craft that requires only a few supplies you probably already have around the house - plus it looks super festive for the holidays.

DIY Candy Cane Christmas Countdown Calendar

Gather up the following supplies to make your own candy cane countdown calendar for Christmas. 


24 Candy canes

Colorful baker's twine or plain twine

Craft staple gun

Wood board measuring: 24"long  x 5" wide x 1/2" thick


Acrylic craft paint


Self-leveling picture hanging hardware (optional)

How To Make A Christmas Candy Cane Countdown Calendar

  • First, cut the wood to size. Most local hardware stores can cut the wood to size for you if you need help.  
  • Sand the wood to remove any jagged edges then wipe the wood with a damp cloth to remove any sawdust.   
  • Paint the wood with your favorite holiday color. You may need to add a second coat depending on the paint you use. Let the paint dry completely between coats.
  • Lay the painted board on a flat surface then measure and cut five pieces of baker's twine or regular twine that extends about 2 inches past each side of the board. Tie a small knot on both ends of each piece of twine. Space the twine out at even intervals down the length of the board making sure to measure a few inches down from the top before placing your first piece of twine. 
  • Staple one end of the twine to the backside of the board. Allow for the twine to bow slightly with slack and attach the other end to the back of the wood with the staple gun. Repeat this process for the remaining pieces of twine until all are attached. 
  • Finally, attach a self-leveling picture hanging hardware to the backside of the wood about one inch down from the top edge. If you don't want to use picture hanging hardware you could also attach a piece of twine to the top corners of the back of the board and hang it up from the loop too.  
  • Hang 24 candy canes from the pieces of twine across the front of the board. I like to divide up the candy canes to match the number of days per week in the month of December. This helps my kids see how many weeks and days are left before Christmas. 

How To Use Your Candy Cane Advent Calendar

Since we have four kids everyone takes turns starting December 1 to remove and eat one candy cane per day. Each day someone else gets a turn and this continues through December 24. I really didn't want each child eating a candy cane every day, especially when they are already overloaded with sweets from all the cookie baking and holiday parties we have to attend in December! 

Everyone in our family LOVED this new Christmas countdown calendar. And guess what? No one asked me how many days until Christmas!! Woohooo!

Does your family have a special tradition or Advent calendar to count down the days until Christmas? What is your favorite way to keep track of the number of days left before the "Big Day"? It is your turn to share your family's holiday traditions - I'd love to hear from you!

Bonus - Christmas Craft Tutorials

Here are some more fun Christmas crafts you and your family could make this holiday season. Be sure to click on these links to find the full tutorials and pictures.

Click Here For Full Tutorial

Click Here for Tutorial

Click here for complete tutorial


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