Monday, June 27, 2022

How To Make A Crafty Cardboard Flower Vase

When my kids were little they used to scour the lawn, picking all of the bright yellow dandelions within reach until they had a fistful of flowers. They loved giving this flower bouquet to me and expected their present to be proudly displayed in my finest china vase on the kitchen table. 

Kids still love picking flowers which is what inspired this fun and easy cardboard vase craft project. This is the perfect spring and summer activity for kids that requires very little prep work, a few supplies you probably have on hand, and some imagination.

You could also use this as a group project, something to do on a camping trip, or incorporate it into a homeschooling botany science lesson! The uses for this fun activity are endless and I'm sure your kids will love it just as much as mine do. 

This post was written in partnership with Zulily. Check out The Find by Zulily for more awesome crafts, recipes, and parenting tips to help out all busy moms! 

How To Make A Crafty Cardboard Flower Vase


  • cardboard (an empty cereal box works great!)
  • scissors
  • hole punch (or sharp pencil)
  • markers or colored pencils
  • flowers
  • tape

Step-by-step Instructions:

1 - Freehand draw a vase shape on the piece of cardboard. Next cut out the vase shape adding an additional two inches of cardboard to the top of the vase.

2 - Decorate the vase using markers and colored pencils

3 - Add holes with the hole punch or sharp pencil in the 2-inch space above the top of the vase. This is where you will insert the flower stems. 

4 - Insert flower stems into each hole then tape the stem to the back of the vase so the flowers don't fall out. 

Now your kids can give their friends, family, and neighbors a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a one-of-a-kind vase! 

More Kid-Friendly Activities

10 Simple STEM Activities To Do With Your Kids

How To Make A Paper Mache Pinata

Thursday, June 23, 2022

7 Fun Summer Activities Your Kids Will Love

Summer is here which means your kids have more time to play, craft, and enjoy some new activities. Keeping kids active is important but sometimes it can be hard to come up with new and exciting activities for them to do during summer break. 

Having a few ideas tucked into your back pocket that you can whip out at a moment's notice - rain or shine could save the day! To help you out I've put together a helpful list of 7 fun summer activities your kids will love.

This post was written in partnership with Zulily. Check out The Find by Zulily for more awesome crafts, recipes, and parenting tips to help out all busy moms! 

7 Fun Summer Activities For Kids

Best Bubbles Ever

Blowing bubbles is the classic activity kids have been doing for years. Playing with bubbles doesn't have to be the old-school bottle of bubbles with a short wand we all had as a kid. Up your kids bubble-blowing experience with a few tweaks. 

  • Snake bubbles are easy and fun!  Cut a small 16 oz plastic water or pop bottle in half then cover the large cut opening with an old sock securing it with duct tape. Dip the sock end into a mixture of 1 part dish soap + 1 part water + a few drops of food coloring then blow through the top of the bottle. Watch your snake bubble grow as you keep blowing! 
  • Make your own unpoppable bubbles with this recipe: mix together 3 cups distilled water + 1 cup dish soap + 1/2 cup corn syrup. Use a bubble wand to blow your unpoppable bubbles!

Paper Mache Pinata

Summer is the perfect time to make a pinata since it can be a pretty messy craft - perfect for doing outside! A balloon covered in paste-coated strips of newspaper or wrapping paper makes the perfect pinata. Find several great homemade paper mache paste recipes here

For complete pinata-making instructions check out this post: How To Make A Paper Mache Pinata

Make-Your-Own Puzzles

My kids love putting together puzzles so when we made our own they were even more excited! I've got two kinds of puzzles to share with you that your kids can make:

  • Cereal box puzzles only require three things - a pencil, scissors, and an empty cereal box. Cut open an empty cardboard cereal box, trimming around the side edges and flaps. Next, draw puzzle piece shapes on the blank cardboard side then cut out the shapes. Mix up the cutout pieces and try to solve your puzzle. Share your puzzle with friends and family then store the puzzles in large ziplock bags. Follow the tutorial here to make your own cereal box puzzle.

  • Popsicle stick puzzles are easy to make for kids of any age. Grab some plain popsicle craft sticks, masking tape, and washable markers. Line up 6 to 8 popsicle sticks flat side down on a sturdy flat surface, then put a strip of tape along the back making sure the sticks are secured together. Flip the taped popsicle sticks over then color the untaped side with markers. Take the tape off of the craft sticks, mix them up and then try to solve the puzzle by putting them in order to re-create the picture you drew. It is harder than you think! (For younger kids I recommend numbering the back side of the craft sticks to help them solve the puzzle more easily)

Tie-Dye (Anything!)

Tie-dying is a popular summer camp activity that your kids can do at home too! Almost anything made from cotton material can be tie-dyed so let them use their imagination and go crazy finding something unique to tie-dye like socks, robes, pillowcases, and of course a t-shirt. 

Tie-dying socks is super simple and I know your kids will love doing it as much as mine do! Grab a pack of white cotton socks so your child can make their own tie-dye socks - a different tie-dyed colored pair for each day of the week! Learn how to tie-dye socks here.   

Wildflower Vase Display Board

Spring and summer yield a bounty of beautiful wildflowers. Kids love picking flowers so help them create a lovely wildflower vase display board to show off their pickings. With a little adult help and a few supplies, your kids will be ready to make their own wildflower vase in no time.  

To get started you need a piece of cardboard (roughly 10" x 12"), markers, and a sharpened pencil. On the cardboard freehand draw the outline of a vase then have your child color it any way they like. Take the sharp pencil then poke several holes along the top edge of the vase (adult supervision suggested). 

Now let your kids go crazy picking dandelions or whatever wildflowers they can find and insert the flower stems into the holes. 

Chalk Painting

Are you kids bored of plain old sidewalk chalk? Breathe new life into sidewalk chalk with this fun new twist - chalk painting! Chalk painting actually doesn't require chalk but the results look very similar to chalk.

  • Using an empty metal muffin tin add 1 heaping tablespoon of cornstarch to each well 
  • then add a few drops of food coloring into each (dissolved watercolor paint will work too!) 
  • Add water almost to the top of each well then stir to mix everything together. 

Using a wide paintbrush or foam brush let your child paint their designs and pictures all over the sidewalk or driveway. Don't be discouraged if at first, the "painting" doesn't look very bold - just wait until it dries completely to see the painting come to life. 

Leaf Rubbings

Introduce a little botany (science) and learning into those long summer days while your kids are out of school with this fun activity. Plan some short nature hikes or even walks through your neighborhood or favorite park to collect leaves from different trees. Once home, give your child a notebook with blank pages and a box of crayons. Place a leaf under one page in the notebook then rub over the paper with the long side of a crayon to create a leaf rubbing. 

Remember to PIN this leaf journal printable for later!

With your guidance help your child identify the type of tree the leaf came from so they can write it down in their leaf journal.  Your local library is a great place to find books that will help your child with their leaf identification project. 

Make this a summer-long project that they can even do while on vacation! They will be so proud of their leaf journal and all they learned throughout the summer.

Have an amazing summer! Check back here often for more activity ideas, crafts, and tasty recipes. 

6 Fun Pool Games For Kids To Play This Summer

How To Color Dye Pasta Noodles For Kids Crafts

Top 10 Outdoor Games For Kids

The Ultimate Camping Scavenger Hunt For Kids

Thursday, June 16, 2022

The Ultimate Chocolate Cherry No-Bake Cookie Recipe

Decadent chocolate, creamy peanut butter, and sweet cherries come together in this easy-to-make no-bake cookie recipe. The addition of cherries adds a new delicious twist to these classic no-bake cookies. 

The Ultimate Chocolate Cherry No-Bake Cookies

No-bake cookies are my go-to cookie when I don't have time to bake or it's a hot summer day and there is no way I'm going to turn on the oven. Because they only require a few simple ingredients I know I always have everything I need on hand to whip up some cookies in a snap. 

The Moment of Inspiration

Inspiration for this recipe came to me one evening when our family was enjoying ice cream at our local favorite ice cream parlor, Double Dip!! One of the kids ordered a double scoop of Traverse City cherry fudge ice cream and I of course had to try a few licks from their waffle cone. 

It was amazing - and I've been dreaming about chocolate, fudge, and cherries ever since!

This post was written in partnership with Paradise Fruit Co. I received Paradise Fruit Co. products free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.  

Fortunately, I didn't have to wait long for this match made in heaven. While making a batch of no-bake cookies I got the great idea to dice up some sweetened red cherries (I like Paradise Fruit Co. Holiday Fruit Red Cherries) and mix them into the cookie batter. I added a whole cherry to the top of each cookie so that everyone knew that these cookies weren't your run-of-the-mill no-bakes - they were a special edition!

While guarding the cookies as they cooled from hungry kids and my no-bake cookie-loving husband I knew I had to share this recipe with all of you too. These cookies are the perfect dessert to bring to a church potluck, summer picnic, or office party. 

Tips For Successful No-Bake Cookies

If you have ever made no-bake cookies you've probably realized that they can sometimes be a little finicky while setting. By this I mean sometimes your cookies can be too dry or too wet after cooling. 

Even though this doesn't affect the taste it can still be frustrating. No need to worry, a few simple tweaks and this problem will be solved.  Here are my tried and true tips to make sure your chocolate cherry no-bakes turn out perfect every time:

  • Measure each of the ingredients before you start cooking and set them aside. Timing is an important part of getting this recipe to work properly.
  • Use real butter, not margarine.
  • Slowly bring the sugar, butter, milk, and cocoa powder to a boil. Once this mixture reaches a boil set a timer and allow it to boil for 2 minutes without stirring. 
  • Use quick-cook oats (old-fashioned oats make the cookie chewier)
  • Remove the hot mixture from the heat and work quickly to mix in the rest of the ingredients saving the vanilla extract for last. Scoop them out while they are still hot otherwise, they will start to set in the pan.

Get the printable recipe HERE

Chocolate Cherry No-Bake Cookies Recipe

Ingredients - 

2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup salted butter (1 stick)
1/2 cup peanut butter
3 cups quick-cooking oats
1/4 cup finely diced sweetened red cherries (I prefer Paradise Fruit Co.)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Recipe Instructions - 

* make sure to pre-measure all ingredients before you start cooking. Also, place two large sheets of parchment paper on your countertop or on a baking sheet. 

Step 1 -  In a medium-sized saucepan over medium-high heat bring sugar, milk, cocoa powder, and butter to a rolling boil, stirring regularly. Once it reaches a rolling boil let the mixture boil for 2 minutes, stirring often. 

Step 2 - Remove the saucepan from the heat and immediately add peanut butter, diced cherries, oats, and vanilla stirring to combine.  

Step 3 - With a large spoon scoop out cookie-sized portions dropping them on a piece of parchment paper and adding one whole cherry to the center of each cookie. Allow the cookies to set at room temperature until they are completely cool and hardened. 

These cookies don't last long in my house but if you have some left you can store cookies in an air-tight container at room temperature for up to one week. These no-bake chocolate cherry cookies can be frozen and stored for up to 3 months. Thaw to room temperature before devouring them!

Here are some more great recipes to try:

I hope these amazing no-bake cookies satisfied your sweet tooth! 

How To Make A Paper Mache Pinata

Looking for a simple, multi-age craft project that costs next to nothing to do with your family? A homemade paper mache pinata is a fun and easy craft project your kids are sure to enjoy. When their pinata is finished, fill it with individually wrapped candy, hang it up outside and let everyone take a turn trying to crack it open with a stick while blindfolded! Turn a kid's craft project into a pinata party!

Before your kids start complaining that they are bored send them to the recycling bin to gather the most important material they will need to make this project - paper! Newspaper, magazine, or catalog pages all make great materials for a paper mache pinata. Tear the paper into 1" strips (torn paper works best!).

While they gather up the paper you can start whipping up the no-cook paste for the project. Follow these simple instructions to make the paste:

Easy Paper Mache Paste Recipe

1 part flour (all purpose) 

2 parts water

1 teaspoon salt

1 Tablespoon all-purpose glue (optional)

In a large plastic bowl combine all the ingredients. Use a whisk to stir until all the lumps are gone. Add more water or flour if needed to create a "soupy" paste. Store covered in the refrigerator for up to three days. 

For more paper mache paste recipes check out this post I wrote for The Find by Zulily! 

Gather up the following supplies to get started making your own paper mache pinata: 


  • 1 large balloon per person
  • plastic tablecloth
  • paper mache paste
  • torn strips of paper
  • stand for balloon (small bowl or round cut section of an oatmeal container work well)
  • duct tape
  • crepe paper (optional)

How To Make A Paper Mache Pinata


This project can get messy so be sure to cover a large table with a plastic tablecloth before you start. Then have each child blow up a large balloon to the size they want their pinata. The balloon will be the base shape for the pinata. 

Step 1 - Set the balloon on the stand. If it falls off consider taping it down gently to the stand. Dip strips of paper one at a time into the paste then run the strips between two fingers to wring off any extra paste. Apply the paste-covered paper strips all over the balloon in a random overlapping fashion. 

Step 2 - Allow the first layer of paper strips to dry completely. Refrigerate the extra paste in a sealed container. 

Step 3 - Apply a second layer of paste-covered strips of paper over the balloon covering it completely. Then allow the second layer to dry. 

(OPTIONAL - if you think your pinata needs a third layer of paper repeat the steps once more then let it completely dry.) 

With a pin or pair of scissors pop the balloon and allow it to deflate. Remove the balloon. 

Step 4 - Time to decorate! Paint the surface of the pinata with acrylic craft paint - be as creative as you want! Glue on strips of crepe paper around the pinata for more added texture and fun. 

Step 5 - Once the paint is dry, remove the paper mache pinata from the stand. Place a strip of duct tape along the top open edge of the pinata to give it extra strength. To hang the pinata make two holes just under the taped edge then string a thin piece of rope through the holes. Fill the empty core with candy and small prizes then hang the pinata about 4 feet off the ground.

Party Time

If your kids thought making the paper mache pinata was a blast wait until they get to crack it open! Invite all their friends over for a pinata party. 

Line up the kids by age (or size) and have them stand a safe distance away from the pinata (so they don't get hit by the person swinging a stick). Each child when it is their turn is blindfolded, spun in a circle three times, given a long stick (or plastic baseball bat) then gently directed towards the pinata where they get three swings to hit the pinata. 

If you have big kids you might consider giving them one swing each so everyone gets a turn. Once the pinata bursts open everyone gets a chance to gather up as many prizes as they can!  

I guarantee this fun craft project and paper mache pinata party will become an annual event because it is just so much fun!

Pin this post for later!

How did your paper mache pinata turn out? I'd love to hear from you so please leave a comment and make sure to follow me here or on Pinterest for more great kid's craft projects. 

More Kids Crafts

Here are some additional crafts your kids will love:

How To Make A Birdseed Ornament Birdfeeder

Tie-Dye Coffee Filter Butterflies

Simple & Fun Watercolor Process Art For Kids

How To Make A Cereal Box Jigsaw Puzzle

Friday, June 10, 2022

Cinnamon Orange Granola Recipe

This orange cinnamon granola bursts with flavor in every bite. The crunchy texture of the baked oats combined with a hint of cinnamon and the subtle sweetness of the orange peel makes this granola the perfect breakfast or snack food. 

This homemade recipe is incredibly easy to make requiring just a few simple ingredients so you can enjoy a delicious treat any time of the day!

Let's admit it, sometimes breakfast can seem a little...boring! It's easy to just eat the same old thing day in and day out because it's easy to prepare before you head off to school or to work every day. But if you are getting tired of the same-old, boring, and bland breakfast you are going to love this easy-to-make, flavor-packed cinnamon orange granola recipe. 

Wake up your breakfast routine with this soon-to-be new favorite!

Cinnamon Orange Granola 

I love granola that has a crunchy, chewy texture with a subtle sweet flavor. Not only does this recipe deliver on all of these main requirements but this cinnamon orange granola whips up in a snap, and can be eaten by itself or added to yogurt, sprinkled over a smoothie bowl, or added to your favorite fresh fruit cup. 

This post was written in partnership with Paradise Fruit Co. I received Paradise Fruit Co. products free in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.  

The Secret Ingredient

What makes this recipe so unique is the subtly sweet flavor and slightly chewy texture from sweetened, diced orange peel made by Paradise Fruit Co. that I added to the granola prior to baking it. If you have a sweet tooth but don't want to indulge in a decadent, calorie-laden treat, this cinnamon orange granola is sure to satisfy your cravings. A little bit of sweetened orange peel adds the perfect amount of sweetness! 

Granola is one of my family's favorite breakfast and snack foods. My girls love adding granola to just about anything, but smoothies are their favorite. They put their smoothie into a bowl, add fresh-cut fruit and top it off with a heaping scoop of orange granola. The boys however just like to scoop handfuls out of the mason jar or air-tight container I store the granola in for breakfast and snacks throughout the day. 

This orange granola doesn't last long around here, that's for sure!

Cinnamon Orange Granola Ingredients

  • Oats - this is the base for all granola recipes. Oats are so good for you since they are high in fiber and protein and are known to help lower cholesterol. I use whatever type of oats I have on hand such as rolled oats or instant oats. There is no difference in taste or nutrition between rolled or instant oats so feel free to use what you have in your pantry.
  • Walnuts - provide the perfect extra crunch to granola. Not only are they crunchy but they are good for you too! Walnuts provide healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. 
  • Cinnamon - adds a spicy depth to granola all while providing some pretty amazing health benefits. Known to be one of the healthiest spices cinnamon's health and medicinal benefits are supported by the scientific community.
  • Orange Peel - packs a flavor punch in this granola recipe. Orange peels are rich in vitamin C, fiber and many other nutrients.
  • Honey - the sweetener for this granola binds all of the other ingredients together. Adjust the sweetness by the amount of honey you add to this recipe.

Get the PRINTABLE version of this recipe!

How To Make Cinnamon Orange Granola

Recipe Ingredients:

  • 2 cups rolled oats

  • 1 cup rice cereal (optional)

  • 1 cup chopped nuts (peanuts, walnuts, almonds or pecans)

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil (or vegetable oil)

  • 1/3 cup honey or maple syrup

  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract

  • 2 Tablespoons molasses (optional)

  • 1/2 cup peanut butter

  • 1/2 cup sweetened diced orange peel (I used Paradise Fruit Co.)

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1/8 teaspoon salt

Recipe Instructions:

Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. 

  1. In a large bowl mix the dry ingredients together.

  2. In a separate microwavable safe bowl add the oil, peanut butter, molasses, and honey. Microwave for 1 minute on high then stir. If the ingredients aren't completely melted microwave for additional 30-second intervals until completely melted. Stir in diced orange peel.

  3. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients and stir to thoroughly combine. Spread the mixture onto a prepared baking sheet. 

  4. Bake 18-20 minutes. Let cool completely before serving. Store in an air-tight container.

How To Eat Granola:

  • eat with yogurt
  • sprinkle over fresh-cut fruit
  • eat with milk
  • make a parfait with a granola layer
  • piled on top of pancakes or waffles
  • combine granola with trail mix as an added ingredient
  • spread over ice cream for a crunchy topping
  • sprinkle over salad (in place of croutons)
  • by the handful!  

How do you like to eat your granola?  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 9, 2022

How To Make A Simple Silverware Caddy From Tin Cans

Whether it's summertime full of outdoor grilling, cookouts, and picnics or fall and winter with indoor potlucks and holiday parties one problem I run into and maybe you do too is finding a good solution to hold the silverware for your guests.

Leaving it in the box it came in won't work because it all gets messed up and disorganized. You never know how many forks, knives and spoons you have when they are in a big jumbled pile. 

This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. For more information please see my Disclaimer page. Thanks!

Upcycled DIY Silverware Caddy

There are so many great silverware caddies available to purchase but to me, they all seemed so dainty and fancy - not really practical for an outdoor family cookout. Our family cookouts are anything but fancy. I need durable! This caddy has to last a while, especially with kids. 

Making my own silverware caddy seemed like the perfect solution and today I'm excited to share with you how I did it in this easy-to-make silverware caddy tutorial. Gather up the following supplies and let's get started making a DIY silverware caddy!

DIY Silverware Caddy Tutorial


4 - 6 tin cans (28oz) washed & dried

wood (measuring 11.5" x 3.5" x .3/4" thickness)

small screws

spray paint

water-based spray sealer


nail (any size to puncture the tin cans)



staple gun & staples

trim (optional)

hot glue gun & glue (optional)

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Step 1 - Make sure all of the cans are clean and dry and any leftover glue residue from the labels is scraped off. On a covered surface, preferably outside spray the outside and inside (optional) of each can and let them dry completely. You might need 2 coats of paint. After the paint drys spray each can, inside and out, with a water-based spray sealer. Let the sealer dry completely. 

I added a decorative piece of trim around each can using hot glue to secure it. This is a totally optional step and you can leave the cans plain too. 

Step 2 - On the inside of each can measure from the top down about 1/2" and make a light mark. Press the nail on the marked spot and gently hammer the nail through the can until the tin is punctured. Repeat this step until each can has a small puncture hole. 

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Step 3 - From the inside of the can screw in a small screw through the nail hole in each can.


Step 4 - Cut your wood to size then sand any rough spots. Stain or paint your wood and let it dry completely. Spray your wood with a water-based spray sealer and let it dry. 

Step 5 - Prop the wood up and set the cans along the perimeter, three on each side with the screws facing the wood. Once you have the cans where you like them firmly press the screws into the wood to make a mark. With a screwdriver begin to secure each can to the wood at the spots marked. 

Step 6 - Add a handle to carry your caddy on the top of the wood by stapling a piece of thick twine or thin rope to the top edge of the wood. For a decorative look add a washer and a small screw over the staples to conceal them. 

This easy-to-make silverware caddy provides plenty of space for you to organize and carry all the silverware you will need for your next picnic or cookout! Customize the color to your liking and add any decorations to the outside of the cans including labels, trim or painted stripes, and polka dots. 

More Easy DIY Tutorials To Check Out!

Easy DIY Dip-Dyed Yarn Wall Art

How To Make A Tabletop Bimini Hook & Ring Game

How To Build A Wood Step Stool - Easy Beginner Project 

Monday, June 6, 2022

Easy DIY Dip-Dyed Yarn Wall Art

We recently re-painted our living room in a totally new color palette. Because of this, I was feeling the need for some new wall art that would better match the new wall colors. 

As I scoured the internet I was inspired by all of the latest dip-dyed macrame wall hangings I was seeing all over Pinterest but knew they were WAY out of my budget! 

But....maybe I could make my own! How hard could a little DIY wall art project really be? Come to find out - NOT hard at all!

Well, I'm excited to share with you today my final wall art project and the steps I took to make it in an easy-to-follow tutorial. 

This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on a link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. For more information please see my disclaimer page. Thanks!

Easy DIY Dip-Dyed Yarn Wall Art

What I really liked about all of the dip-dyed fiber wall art I was seeing online was the natural, organic, textured look each piece has and that no two are alike! At first, I just couldn't imagine how someone would go about making something so amazing - it looked really hard, and to be honest it intimidated me a little. 

Also, I had a hard time finding good clear tutorials on how to make a dip-dyed wall hanging but my desire to make something like what I was seeing online won over my fear and I got to work planning out my project. 

What Is Dip-Dyed Fiber Art

Before I get to the tutorial it might be helpful to explain what exactly a dip-dyed yarn wall hanging is. Simply put this is a type of art that uses yarn or macrame cording that is dipped into fabric dye to color sections of the yarn or cord. 

These pieces of yarn or cord are then secured onto a strip of wood like barn wood, wood furring strip, driftwood, or another kind of wood. The lengths of dyed yarn or cord hang from below the wood creating an abstract piece of decorative art once hung on a wall. 

Display Ideas

Since this project can be scaled to fit almost any size space you can hang it up just about anywhere in your home. I hung mine in my living room as a piece of wall art. 

This type of wall art could also be hung above your bed as a minimalist headboard piece or on a large empty wall in a stairwell. If you wanted to create a gallery look you could make several smaller pieces and hang them together in a pattern on a wall in your home. 

A dip-dyed wall hanging would also look amazing in a nursery or child's room if you made it using cheerful bright colors. Just make sure not to hang it within reach of a crib or child's bed - safety first! 

How To Make A Dip-Dyed Yarn Wall Hanging

Today I'm going to share with you how to make a dip-dyed fiber art wall hanging and reassure you that it is not hard at all - anyone can do this. Gather up your supplies from the supply list and follow along with my step-by-step instructions to make your own unique DIY dip-dyed wall art. 

By the way, I've included links to the products I used to make it easy for you to make your own dip-dyed wall hanging.


super bulky yarn or macrame cord (4mm)

Rit DyeMore synthetic liquid fiber dye (color of your choice)

plastic gloves

large buckets (gallon ice cream buckets work well)

rubber bands

plastic drop cloth or large plastic garbage bag

wood board (2"-3" wide x desired length)

hand saw (optional)

miter box (optional)


water-based paint (optional)

wide brush paint brush

wood stain (optional)

water-based spray sealer (optional)

foam applicator brush

saw tooth picture hanger



staple gun & staples


Dip-Dyed Yarn Wall Art Tutorial

The Wood

Step 1 - Cut your wood board to the size you want. I just used a hand saw and a miter box to cut my piece of wood. My wood is a piece of scrap wood I had on hand which measured 1" x 4" x 24". After cutting the wood sand it down to get remove any rough edges. If you don't have any tools at home, don't worry because many hardware stores like Lowe's and Home Depot will be happy to cut a board to the size you need right at the store. 

Step 2 - I wanted my wood to have an aged, barn-wood look so I stained the wood first and once it was dry I dry brushed white paint over the stain and then lightly sanded some spots to give it an even more worn-out aged look. 

This is a totally optional step that you can customize to fit your style. Whether you paint the wood a coordinating color to your room decor or stain it just remember to let it dry completely before adding any yarn to it. 

After the paint or stain is dry spray a coat of sealer over the wood and then let it dry. 

The Yarn

Step 3 - Time to work on the yarn! The amount of yarn you need for this project depends on several factors - the length of your wood board, the thickness of the yarn (I used this one), and the length you want your yarn strands to be all help determine how much yarn you will need. 

To get a rough idea of the amount of yarn needed I suggest you cut a few pieces of yarn to the desired length you want the pieces to hang then on the back of the wood you prepared earlier mark off a 1" section. 

Place the cut pieces of yarn/cord right next to each other within this 1" section filling it up and making sure none of the pieces are overlapping. 

Count how many pieces you needed to fill this section then multiply the total pieces needed by the number of inches across on your wood board. Make sure to add about 20-40 more pieces to your final calculated number for a little bit of wiggle room. 

It is ok if your yarn does not stop and start right at the ends of your wood strip. I actually left a 1/2" empty space at the ends of the wood board before I started attaching the yarn strips. 

Now that you know how many strands of yarn you need and what length you want your project to be it is time to start cutting! This will take FOREVER so make sure to turn on your favorite show and start binge-watching while you measure and cut.


Tip - to prevent a big snarl of yarn, once you cut the strips keep them spread out length-wise with the ends even.

Dip-Dying Process

Step 4 - Because of the large number of yarn strips for my project, I found it helpful to divide the strips into two separate bundles. I chose to dye the center portion of the yarn strips so in order to do this to all of the yarn strips I folded each bundle of yarn in half and then put a rubber band around the middle of the yarn bundle eyeballing where I wanted to apply the dye. 

For extra measure (this is totally optional) I wrapped the rubber band with a piece of masking tape before dying. 

(I forgot to take a picture before dying the yarn so if you happen to notice that the picture above shows yarn that is already dyed....that is why! Sorry!)

I really liked using the Rit DyeMore color dye for this project. I used a different dye on my first attempt and the colors were not as vibrant as the Rit brand dye. If you are using a synthetic yarn make sure to use the Rit DyeMore synthetic liquid dye. 

Prepare the dye in the plastic bucket according to the instructions on the box or at Don't forget to wear your plastic gloves... unless you want colorful fingers!

Step 5 - Dip each yarn bundle into the bucket of dye up to where you rubberbanded the bundle. Let the yarn soak for as little or long as you want. The longer you soak it the darker and more vibrant the color so if you want a subtle color variation don't let it soak very long. 

If you are just dying one end of the yarn and not the middle you would do the exact same steps from above but just dip the ends of the yarn into the dye.

Run each bundle under running water to rinse out the extra dye then lay your dyed bundle of yarn flat on a piece of plastic drop cloth or on top of a plastic trash can liner. 

If you hang up the wet yarn it will drip and those drips will stain anything they come into contact me I am speaking from experience here. Allow the yarn bundles to dry completely before you take off the rubber band.

Attaching The Yarn To The Wood

Step 6 - Flip the wood board over so the back is facing up. Begin placing the yarn strips along the length of the board about 1/2" from the edge. I found it best to place 3 or 4 strands of yarn on the board and then use a staple gun to secure them to the board. Repeat this over and over until all of the space along the edge of the board is full. 

Tip - run your fingers through the strands of yarn attached to the board to prevent any tangles!

Step 7 - Attach saw tooth picture hangers to each side of the board along the back of the wood. If your wood board is 12" or shorter you will only need 1 saw tooth hanger. 

Congratulations, you are all done making a dip-dyed yarn wall hanging! Arent' you proud of your hard work? I'd love to know what color yarn and dye you used for your project. And don't forget to tell me where are you going to hang your new piece of art? 

Be sure to follow me here or on Pinterest for more inspiring ideas! 

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